About Ísbjörg in Kaldakinn

The icefalls in Kaldakinn

Kaldakinn is located in northeast of Iceland.
From Reykjavík to Akureyri you can take the domestic flight (45 min) or drive 390 km on road number 1
It takes only about 50 minutes to drive to Kaldakinn from Akureyri. Take road number 1 east from Akureyri, then road number 85 to Húsavík and finally road number 851 which lead you to the farm Björg.
From our farm the climbing area are all within 10 min walking distance (200 m. - 5 km) or we can drive you on our Land Rover.

We can also organize your trip from Keflavík airport to Björg in Kaldakinn and assist you with accommodation and transportation in Reykjavík.

kort af Kaldakinn

In the pictures belowe you can see few of the routes from the Icelandic Alp club, but to name few other routes Albert´s  Leichfried Captain Hook M9+

Girndin, Sýnishornið, Upprisa Svínanna, E300, E222, Sóðakjaftur

Drífa, Fryggðin, Miðnæturhraðlestin, Flagan

Girndin, Sýnishornið, Upprisa Svínanna, E300, E222, Sóðakjaftur

Danska leiðin, Tangó kálfana

Sólhvörf, Danska leiðin


Photos: Jón Gunnar Þorsteins and Helgi Borg